Thursday, April 12, 2012

Respond To Franzi's Blog "Cyber Bullying"

Franzi's Blog

I think the subject of cyber bullying that you touched on is very good, and should be talked about more in our society today. “But what is the difference between cyber bullying today, and bullying in the past” I do agree with you that cyber bullying has changed a lot, not only from what year it was done, but also as at what age it was done. When I was a kid I was bullied, and picked on during recess, and class while in elementary school. As I got older it was still there during school, but it eventually made it's way to the face book. It's pretty harmful to hear people say such horible thing to a person like I hate you or your ugly just because your different. I know I would like something on Facebook that other people would call me stupid or a fag, and they would write hurtful message just for liking a certain page. Even though I was bullied online suicde was never really a thought that came across my mind. Sure the things people said made me sad but I just pick my head up, and stay true to who I am not letting people get the best of me.

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