Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Face Book Time Line. Love It?? or Hate it??

After being launched in late February 2004 Facebook, the popular social media site, has now expanded to 800 million plus users worldwide. Face book has truly revolutionized our world. It's allowed us to stay in touch with friends, send messages to people, join support groups, post picture of events, and much more. One of the biggest problems though with face book is the privacy issue of peoples information. This Problem riled up a whole bunch of people. In December of 2011 Facebook came out with there new lay out called “Timeline”. This new layout gives facebook more of a scrap book aperance to it, and exposes more of the users profile then the old design. The biggest problem with the new design is the lack of privacy. If you look at the timeline layout you can see it list out your friends, likes, photos, maps, and intrest. Photos and images have also chnaged in the new layout. the timline profile allows users to post a giant cover photo and also comes with a rather large profile picture. I thought about it and I ended up getting the new layout, becuase you can still customize your privacy seetings on it. And if you dont want it you dont have to change it you can still stay with the old regualr layout. When timeline was first brought upon facebook I think people were very picky about it and did not like the new changes it made, but social media and technologies are in a constant change that will never end.

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