Monday, April 16, 2012

Do Young Kids and Media Mix?

This article has many people talking about incorperateing media and technology into the lives of young children. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and the Fred Rogers Center have come together to pass a statement that will allow schools to give young students access to technology, and interactive media. NAEYC position statement is not only based on developing content suitable for the kids, but also to provide learning resources for adults, caregivers, and parents. Even big companies like the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and Public Broadcasting System (PBS) have been working out this issue for years. CPB and PBS have teamed up together to promote online games, mobile apps and interactive whiteboard games, which will help children build early math, and literacy skills. These skills are very important and need to be improved upon. In America about two thirds of children are not reading at grade level, and more then 60% of all fourth graders are not capable in math either. NAEYC and Fred Rogers Center made a core policy statement that apply s to the entire field of early childhood education. By doing this NAEYC is now that much closer to closing the achievement gap for education.

Is incorporating social meeting at a young age a good thing? or a bad thing? It depends on how they use it. If kids are taught at a young age to use the basic media to help them learn. It can open up the kid's world to learn new things with the media and modern technologies. It could be a bad thing if the kids get hooked to using the media that it may take away from other aspects that they should be learning at that age. Aspects such as being social with other class mates, speech, and active movement. Overall I think young kids using media is a great idea cause it is so unique and different that it will catch the kids and allow them to focus better on the task they have.

Lippincot, R and Sanchez, D. ( 2012, April 13). Integrating Educational Media In Early Learning Environments To Bridge The Achievement Gap . HUFF POST EDUCATION, CULTURE

Social TV and Multitasking

People all over America now have a different way of viewing Television. Through a process called “Social TV”. With 40% of Americans now owning a smart phone, or a tablet. Many people are running their lives with these technologies to multitask. They choose to multitask, because they are so busy during the day, and the busier we are the less time we have on our hands, therefore its natural for us to multitask more. Along with multitasking another hobby americans picked up is reviewing television, while watching a game or a TV show millions of americans will flok to twitter, and Facebok and post what they think about what they watched. During the 2012 Patriots and Giants Super Bowl, which had 111 million viewers, 12 million comments were posted on social-media sites during the game, about 252 tweets per minute were sent during the royal wedding last April in 2011, And about 8,800 tweets spread like wild fire when singer Beyonce announced she was pregnant during the MTV Video Music Awards in August. Many TV officials are interested in this information. By seeing how much, and what people post about they can determine which shows have the best ratings. They also can receive feedback from fans to see what they need to do to improve on the show.

I've started to notice multitasking being used a lot in not only social media, but also in me as well. While writing this essay I have I Tunes, Google, and Face book open, because I can then have access to different resources of information. That way I can multitask and get done a lot of work. Social TV overall is changing a lot. With the new 4G phones and tablets coming out technology is much more faster, portable, and eficent together it allows us to get things done quicker, and might free up some time on our hands.

Diaz, J. (2012, April 9). Social Media enhancing Viewing Experience. The COLUMBUS DISPATCH, Life and Entertainment

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Instagram Photos

Popular social-media  site Facebook launched a new app out there called “Instagram”. Instagram is a quick photo sharing application that allows people to take photos, apply a digital filter, and then share that photo on multiple social networking sights. With the greater majority of people using Instagram being teens, over 30 million people world wide are hooked on this app. But why all the excitement you might say? Instagram enables people to share photos with friends, and family. But there are some people who aren’t to fond of this program. The group “Yoursphere For Parents” are people that provide safety information, and tips for when using sights like instagram. What they are worried about is that when you post something it can be viewed by anyone, requires a birth date/location for posting a photo, may link to more cases of cyber bullying, and may have disturbing images on instagram such as profanity, and nudity. I think this is a very neat, and interesting way to be connected all together with social media. With twitter, a blog, or face book things that you post online can be viewed by many people which could be a good thing or a bad thing. I think posting photos and information on all these sites is a great thing to do it can inform people In the world about events and other major things happening, or it can be a sipmle as brightening our day.

D'Arcy, J. (2012, April 10). Instagram What Parents Need To Know . LIFE STYLE, IN The NEWS AND ON PARENTING

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Disney Tackles Bullying With Media

Common Sense Media, and Disney are teaming up to enialate the issue of cyber bullying. Together both are working on a public service announcement for kids chanel "Disney XD". Their hope is too adress the issue of bullying to kids ages 6 to 14. Disney stated that 1/3 children have been a target from online harassment. They have been receiving threatening messages, having people post embarrassing messages/photos of them. Disney also states that its not just the internet dishing up harassment. One in four teens are also being bullied over the phone with violent calls and text messages. As a kid Disney XD teen star Billy Unger, "Chase" on the Disney XD series "Lab Rats," talks about his childhood experience of being bullied. During the 4th grade Unger fell victim to bullying, for two years. The teen star was called “small-fry”, and other insults for just being shorter then everyone else. Unger said "It was pretty heartbreaking". The teen actor is now informing today's youth about the issue. He says that if you ever get picked on or teased don't fight or cause trouble just seek out a adult to help you.

Disney has a plan to tackle this epidemic of bullying. In 2012 Director Sundance- and Emmy-award winning filmmaker, Lee Hirsch, came out with the movie “Bully”. Bully is a heart touching documentary that follows 5 kids and their families in the Sioux City Community School District. The film talks about how bullying may effect kids and their families, and what the community is doing to handle this issue. This documentary even includes the stories of two families who’ve lost children to suicide, and a mother who awaits the faith of her daughter who brought a gun on the bus. With cameras in school cafeterias, classroom, principles office, and school buses. This movie will take you to the front line of were bullying takes place. With all the powerful stories and movement to end bullying, “Bully” aims to be a catalyst for that change. a change that has touched the hearts, and minds of every community in our nation.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Death Threats Online From Students

According to a new survey multiple teachers have received death threats from students over the internet. With the majority of the students being at high school age (60%) to even adults threatening teachers (16%). The most popular place these threats are coming from face book (77%) and the rest of them being observed on a web site called (21%). Teachers all over the community are shocked about these coments. Students are posting about their teacher being a rapist/slut, talking about slitting the teachers throats/hurting them, and talking about inappropriate body parts on the teachers. Even after all of the threats and crude comments only 2/3 of teachers have reported this issue, and many have felt that the issue wasn’t handled properly. The main way they have been handling it is by sending notifications to the family about this unethical behavior. I have seen similar things like this happen. All over face book students are commenting about people they hate, or dislike. Going through high school I’ve noticed alot of the coments would be about drama, and hatred towards teachers. Everything from perverted sexual jokes, teachers yelling at students, or teachers giving out to much homework. With all these sights out there comes a lot of drama, and rumors which can be spread quickly through the web and media, and because of that it can lead to more serious issues such as cyber bullying and suicide.
Garner, R.(2012, April 7). Teachers Face Death Threats In Online Abuse. The INDEPENDANT , NEWS

Facebook Locks Up Criminals

What started out as a popular social media website to stay in contact with friends, and groups. Is now being used as a secret weapon by small local business to catch criminals. That right Facebook is being used  to lock up criminals and put them behind bars. This all started when the small business “The Blossom Shop” got robbed. The store owner went around and put up flyers to neighboring businesses hoping that someone would respond to the crime. Then one day a store employee suggested posting the picture of the criminal on face book. By posting the picture of the criminal on face book it allowed people to come forth and give any extra information towards the crime. "We put his picture on face book and within 15 minutes, we got a response with his address and stuff about the criminal's history, like how he's been in jail before," stated John Loricco, the owner of Blossom Shop. Local police are thrilled with this idea . By posting these pics on face book it easier and less complicated for police to find the criminal. I believe that people are starting to become more creative with the different ways they use social media. what started out as a site to contact and stay in touch with people, is now being used for more personal and better things to help out our community. More people are beginning to think outside of the box on new ways that social media can better our lives, and our worlds.

Li, D. (2012, March 27). Local Business Uses Face book To Catch Robbers. YALE DAILY NEWS, NEWS

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Respond To Franzi's Blog "Cyber Bullying"

Franzi's Blog

I think the subject of cyber bullying that you touched on is very good, and should be talked about more in our society today. “But what is the difference between cyber bullying today, and bullying in the past” I do agree with you that cyber bullying has changed a lot, not only from what year it was done, but also as at what age it was done. When I was a kid I was bullied, and picked on during recess, and class while in elementary school. As I got older it was still there during school, but it eventually made it's way to the face book. It's pretty harmful to hear people say such horible thing to a person like I hate you or your ugly just because your different. I know I would like something on Facebook that other people would call me stupid or a fag, and they would write hurtful message just for liking a certain page. Even though I was bullied online suicde was never really a thought that came across my mind. Sure the things people said made me sad but I just pick my head up, and stay true to who I am not letting people get the best of me.